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Cross Stitch Project Restarted Again and Again or CSP 2.0/2.1


I’ve been cross stitching for around 25 years, but not like some other people who cross stitch. I am a little more casual. My projects take me quite a bit longer than some of these speedy needle crafters. :)

My “newest” project is the Tardis from the long running TV show “Dr. Who.” The series started in 1963 and while I didn’t start this project then, it sure feels like it sometimes. This is my third time starting it. Third.

The initial time, I made quite a few errors when I was stitching the Tardis so I stopped, frustrated. And, rather than repair, I began anew, this (second) time stitching the white background but it was obvious where I started and stopped. That’s when I found out that when working with solid backgrounds, it is important to vary the rows so they don’t look so boxy.

Now here I am again, knowing the third time is a charm. I have learned from the past two starts and have made some changes.

  • I’m not doing the solid white background. If you look closely, the cloth is actually dyed linen that my friend, Lisa, at Golden Needle in Port Charlotte, FL, which is Open again!!!, recommended.

  • I’m going to do the Tardis and the Clock and use the variegated colors in the fabric to give the appearance of night instead of stitching the background.

  • I started in the middle which is the Tardis. It has one predominant blue color running throughout the piece. So I have decided to do the predominant blue color and go back and fill in with the other colors afterwards. It’s like confetti with the other colors.

I think this time I might actually get it done and be able to give it to my son, Bryan!

Truth be told, I must admit that it does get monotonous and I do get bored. When that happens, I have a second and totally different (read: fun and colorful) project! The Rub-a-Dub-Dub Penguins. It is my getaway and my reward. Stitched on 14 count Aida white, the penguins are a lot different than the Tardis project.

Check back with me to see updates of these projects. And, of course, I would enjoy seeing your progress as well!

During this pandemic, I have kept busy. In addition to Blooming Daisies Crafts orders, working my regular job, and cross stitching on my two projects, I have sewn over 70 masks (for friends and family) and 30 surgical caps for the nurses in our area hospitals. I really appreciate nurses and the sacrifices they have made during this pandemic and feel blessed to be able to use my skills to give back.

As we move forward into the new “normal,” take care of yourself. Don’t go rushing into life, take it one step at a time and we’ll get thru all of this.

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