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Manic Monday - So Much To Do!!!


We're trying to plan out our week in advance...Hence the planner with post it notes! I don't know about you but I love post it notes! I have different colored ones that I stick on my major "to do" list - orange for My Health, yellow for the listings I want to post this week, pink for my To Do Today list, bright yellow for my things off my major "to do" list that I would like to accomplish this week and then I cut the 4"x6" pad in half for my orders and write them down in order of receipt to do those right!

My major emphasis this week will be finishing up more of our really cool smart phone cord travel bags. I've sold 3 and will be getting them out as soon as possible so they can show all their friends!

The coolest part is it's 3 different patterns so I'll be able to update those pictures on our site! I put all the cut out cord bags in their own bag so I know which one is which and could keep the parts together.

In my spare time, I'm hoping to make two different kinds of q-snap bags. I have some Marvel fabric to make up and then some beautiful purple and blue fabric to make into q-snap bags and grime guards.

We're never bored that's for sure!

On Thursday night we have friends flying down from Toronto for Thursday night, Friday and then we'll drive them to the other side of Florida to catch a repositioning cruise for them! That's where we met them last year!

We hope you have a great week and let us know if there's anything you're looking for!

Smartphone Cord Bags - Grime Guards - Q-snap bags

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