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The Next Gen


Last week our daughter, Sonya, and her two kids, our grandchildren, visited. Much to my delight, the 9-year old granddaughter showed great interest in my sewing/craft room! Winner! She wanted to learn how to cross stitch and how to use my sewing machines as well.

So, on Friday, we went on a field trip Golden Needle. Lisa got her kitted up for a whole new hobby that grandma loves!! Her goodie bag included a little hoop, 2 different easy patterns (thank you, Lisa), quality needles, a needle threader, her own pair of scissors, DMC floss, floss cards with a floss ring, and some pretty colored Aida cloth. The child walked out of the store with nearly everything she needed to successfully begin her new hobby.

When we got home, she and I planned to make a grime guard for her little hoop…until I realized that as it was her first time in front of a sewing machine, it was a little too advanced for her skillset. We regrouped and ended up making a bag to hold all her cross stitch supplies. She chose “Rainbow Paws” fabric for both the bag and grime guard that I made for her. Being my granddaughter has its rewards. I also made her a matching ORT jar scissor holder and sent her home with a canning jar to use as her ORT jar. She also picked out a Needleminder--the “Corgi Butt”…which is a particular favorite in my family.

I love passing down skills to the next generations. And sewing with the little one reminded me how much skill and tendencies one generation inherits from its parents. At the sewing machine, I found that the granddaughter has inherited her mom’s lead foot. Bless her heart. I can’t tell you the number of times I had to tell her to slow down. She used both my sewing machine and my serger and the result was the same on each machine. I can give a glowing review for Brother sewing machines. They produce heavy duty machinery for reasonable prices and they are FAST!

Once we were ready to move onto the granddaughter’s first goal, cross stitching, I had a moment of apprehension that counted cross stitch might be too advanced for her. However, she proved me wrong as she quickly picked up on how to follow the pattern. Then, in true 9-year old fashion, she explained to me that she knew what she was doing and didn’t need my help any more. LOL. I can’t wait to see pictures how her project progresses. I hope she enjoys cross stitching half as much as I do.

This weekend is July 4th. Due to Covid-19, City officials have cancelled the normal fireworks shows in the surrounding cities. We won’t do any of our own. If you are doing your own, be safe and I ask that you remember your neighbors or neighbors’ dogs that could be frightened. If I remember correctly, it is the number one holiday for dogs to escape.

I also got some new Needleminders including Princess Tiana and a new set of Grime Guards - I am running low on my Day of the Dead fabric and found this cool skull fabric!

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