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Special Orders and What Makes Them Special


In case you missed it: Happy New Year from Blooming Daisies Crafts! We are already 7 days into 2022 and so far it has been a productive time for me. For the last few weeks I have been working on “special orders” for my Blooming Daisies Crafts patrons.

What qualifies as a “special order”? This spectrum is broad!

  • A customer would like a different liner in Q-Snap Bag. This happens quite often.

  • A request for a Q-snap bag to match a Dust Cover that has been purchased.

  • A different fabric with lining picked out by a repeat customer (as pictured) for a dust cover.

  • Some may need a wider Grime Guard for the extra hanging cloth that needs containment in an extra-large project.

  • Customers have sent fabric they have purchased to be sewn into certain product. For example, one customer (turned friend) mailed fabric for her personalized WIP bags. Another would be the customer (turned friend) that sent me fabric to make her a Dust Cover to match her home decor. Because Blooming Daisies Crafts was careful with the material, there was enough fabric to make her a matching Q-Snap Bag! She was so pleased that she wants more bags to match her other Dust Covers.

Most special orders start with an email from people like you that imagine something a little different—something that makes a product their own, matches their personality. If you are thinking you would like something from Blooming Daisies Crafts but with a tweak, do not feel intimated! Just send me an email at or click on the “Let’s Chat” button located on the lower right hand corner on the website. Notification is almost immediate. At Blooming Daisies Crafts, we help bring your ideas to life!

Winter weather in some areas means staying inside and catching up on your favorite shows (or maybe finding a new one!). This week’s Winter Show Binge Watching Product is Dr. Who! Blooming Daisies Crafts’ Needle Minders include a Tardis, a Traveling Tardis, and “Keep Calm and Don’t Blink” that references that crazy scary episode! Fans will also find the Tardis and Dalek in four different prints under the Q-Snap Project Bags. These bags feature fun zipper pulls: “I <3 Dr Who” or a Dalek. And while only one Tardis print appears under Grime Guards, others can be special ordered. The Dr. Who Small Project Bag will contain everything you need to smoothly move your WIP and Dr. Who accessories as you travel—short or long distances.

Blooming Daisies Crafts will highlight another “binge worthy” show next week! Make sure to post some favorites in the comment section below. Meanwhile, if you cannot wait, just use the magnifying glass icon on top of the website to search products featuring your show!

Speaking of Dr. Who, the Tardis Christmas gift was wrapped and waiting for our oldest son on Christmas morning. While he is not our most emoting child, my excitement was enough for both of us. His appreciation was evident as he studied the details and said it was “really cool.” I held my breath until he could tell me that the framed product made the flight safely! Now the Tardis waits for its permanent residence on a wall in his home. He promises tomorrow…

I am proud to announce my first 2022 finish! (As I said, 2022 has been a productive year for me.) Drum roll, please! Dimensions (70-08920) “Let it Snow” was completed this past week! It has been a WIP for quite a few years. Savvy Blooming Daisies Crafts shoppers will recognize it (in various stages) as the product model for a number of Grime Guards. Originally purchased when I lived in an area that could actually have snow, I found “Let It Snow” to be a fun kit that was easy to put down and pick back up. Because of that, progress was slow but not tedious and I finally just had to make myself finish it! Now the question is: do I keep it or gift it? Decisions, decisions!

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