As this week has gone by, I’ve been trying to get some product together to offer at a local cross stitch store wholesale and exclusively!
And now, the frog is visiting my snow project! Not happy about those errors! I guess I’d better read the instructions better!
But then when it was time to get some new product up on - I decided - let’s do Halloween now! People will be working on their Halloween projects and need some fun grime guards! We have candy corn, black cats, bats, trick or treat and our Ouija grime guards! And don't forget these as an option!
I’m also suffering from vacation is soon blues! We are going to Seattle and then onto Alaska! We can hardly wait! We’ve never been to the Northwestern part of the US and looking forward to a little cooler temps!
We hope your week is going well and I’m thinking Zelda will be Throwback Thursday this week! Come see what we’ll be offering then!