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Changes in Stitching Through the Years

I come from a long line of “crafting” women. My grandmother’s textile of choice was yarn. Over the years, she crocheted afghans and “granny square” slippers for each of her 21 grandchildren. If you are of an age, you may remember some of the projects that were popular in the 1970’s. My mother was a seamstress. She sewed clothing for my sister and me—thankfully not all of it matching. While I enjoy those hobbies, cross stitch is my chosen craft.

I started cross stitching when my daughter, Brittany, was a baby. Thirty-five years ago. Wow. When I started, I bought one of the cute Cross Stitch magazines, just the right amount floss, a wooden hoop, and Aida cloth. And I purchased a package of needles, not understanding why I had to buy so many when I only needed one. I think I bought everything from a now extinct Cloth World store. So much has changed since then.

While the magazines and books are still available for patterns, cross stitch fans now have the World Wide Web. Read that again, World Wide Web. I find that incredible. Pinterest and Etsy offer patterns from countless sources. Those that are particularly talented can download an app (of which there are many) to make their own patterns. I know some Blooming Daisies Crafts followers do this but I have not so I do not want to suggest any apps having no personal experience with them. I can recommend some “old school” graph paper, however.

The number of floss choices has grown over the years. DMC offers a “489 Color Embroidery Floss Set” which includes 35 new colors. And that is just the normal threads! DMC offers “Light Effects,” Satin, and the variegated just to name a couple of varieties. At this time, my experience is limited to the variegated floss in the specialty threads. I have only worked with DMC floss but I am aware that there are other companies. I have saved a conversion chart on my computer to convert the competition to DMC. I favor DMC for its availability.

As for hoops, doing Blooming Daisies Crafts has really opened my eyes to the various project holders! My personal collection includes some of each, I think. I have hoops, Q-Snap, and scroll rods. (Spoiler alert! I just purchased my first “Nurge Pink Plastic Square Embroidery Hoop” from Amazon.) At this time, I do most of my stitching on the Q-Snap. We will see if that changes.

I think it is noteworthy to mention that some of Blooming Daisies Crafts earlier products were Grime Guards, sewn to fit all of these styles of hoops because I wanted to protect my own WIP. It was a natural progression to begin making Dust Covers for the scroll rods. Q-Snap WIP bags soon followed. And most recently, Blooming Daisies Crafts received a special order from a customer with 4 German shepherds for a hoop Dust Cover. Talk about a major need for a superlative Dust Cover! (Remember that Blog readers are privy to new product teasers!)

The cross stitch cloth selections that are available may or may not be growing, but my knowledge of them is. While Aida cloth, with its wide range of squares per linear inch, is the most widely used fabric, projects sewn on linen are incredibly gorgeous. Lisa from Golden Needle has so many fabric choices. Her online store is a terrific source. She was the person that pointed me to the dyed Aida cloth that I used on the Tardis. The result was amazing.

Needles! I do not remember what I bought back in 1987, but I prefer size 24 when I am stitching. The needle is not too small for these mature eyes, making it pretty easy to thread. And these days, I am all about “loop method”. As a newbie, I did not know about this time-saving trick that ends the pain when starting a new thread to a WIP. Just in case this is new to you, using the loop method to begin your thread when cross stitching with an even number of threads eliminates the need to stitch over the beginning thread tails or (gasp!) knot the thread. Using a single length of thread, even the two ends and thread them through the needle’s eye. This will create a loop. Thread the needle through the hole and down the corresponding second hole in the fabric, inserting the needle through the loop of thread on the backside of the fabric. Now, continue to stitch as usual. So simple, right?

Considering that Blooming Daisies Crafts began with a prayer and Needle Minders, it is almost comical that I never even heard of them for the longest time. But now Blooming Daisies Crafts offers more than 500 choices with additional offerings coming in all the time! These are not just cute accessories! I usually have at least 2 to 3 needles parked on a project at a time. Serious stitchers will have multiple Needle Minders with multiple needles to park threads on complex WIP. Blooming Daisies Crafts Needle Minders have rare earth magnets that are small and powerful. Needles are less likely to go missing. And, yes, they are cute accessories…I like to have my Needle Minders go with my current project(s). The Christmas wreath has Christmas Needle Minders. The beach chair project has beach Needle Minders.

After having a great visit with my granddaughters last week, I have been playing catching up on customer orders and, as always, trying to get new product listed. I appreciate all your patience.

This week product highlights are the newest to Blooming Daisies Crafts:

Camping Hoop Dust Cover Bag-just in time for hitting the open road! Transport and protect your hooped WIP in Blooming Daisies Crafts newest product. This handled bag zips up tight creating a barrier between your stitchery and grime/dust. It is available in 2 separate sizes - up to 10” hoop and the larger 14” hoop sizes. These bags are sturdier than the Q-Snap bags but still machine washable. Shown in the “Campground Roadie” fabric, this product is available in most any Blooming Daisies Crafts prints. Do you have a print in mind? Message me or press the “Let’s Chat” button on the lower right screen at where “we help bring your ideas to life!”

Needle Minders

Naughty Mouse-I could not resist – sorry, but not sorry

Piglet-A new offering of an old favorite, bashful and cute as always

Encanto-This three character grouping will having you humming along

Toy Story - Because we all love Toy Story!

There are more new needle minders but I'm recovering from my back hurting so haven't gotten as much as I'd hoped done. A little at a time is what I keep saying. :)

Have a good week - next week, my sister is coming to visit! Watch out world!

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