Satisfaction! I find that I can get “satisfaction”.
My sister and I are list makers. We feel satisfied when we are able to check things off the list. A check in the little box equals big satisfaction.
But my satisfaction is not limited to completing a project; it comes in crossing those little boxes or squares on the Aida fabric when cross stitching, completing a step in a project that I am working on, or posting new product to BloomingDaisiesCrafts. So today I am sharing my Work In Progress (WIP) with the hope that you will share yours as well.
What I’m working on - What are you working on?
During the month of March, I’ll be working on two major projects - for BloomingDaisiesCrafts: Dust Covers, and for me, personally: Brittany and Jason’s quilt.
Dust Covers: Currently BloomingDaisiesCrafts features 16 dust covers. By devoting so much time to getting the entire stock of Needle Minders posted (check that box off the list!), the rest of the products have taken a back seat. March will be the month that new and fresh dust covers will be introduced. Dust covers protect all of my projects that are on scroll rods. Additionally, dust covers hide “gift projects” in plain sight! And, as the name implies, a dust cover also keeps your project dust free if the project is being “rested” for a while. I have my Christmas one resting in my Christmas dust cover for now while I work on my “Pretend it’s Friday” project. Check out the current selection of dust covers at BloomingDaisiesCrafts now. And watch for new ones all during March!
Brittany and Jason’s quilt: At this time, there are three rows completed…do I feel excitement or trepidation? As you can tell by the picture of the quilt, I still have 27 rows. I had another row done but when I compared it to the first 2 rows, it wasn’t lining up. (Note to self, be sure to cut squares down to the correct size before trying to sew them together. Now, I know this but it’s been at least 2 years since I pieced a quilt top.) So I had to “frog” the third row--see how the stitching jargon crosses into other hobbies?! I hope to check it off my list by the end of April so I have to quit procrastinating and get working!
What are you working on? Please add it in the comments so we can see and get inspired! I know I'm always curious to see what everybody is working on! I'm one of those at Joann's or Hobby Lobby asking, what are you making with that? Do you have multiple projects going? In cross stitch or other hobbies? I love hearing about and seeing pictures of what other people are doing! I’ll keep you posted on my projects and be sure to check BloomingDaisiesCrafts next week when I’m hoping to have a video showing how to measure for your custom dust cover and how to use it!
Come back next week, I'm doing a video on "How to Use a Dust Cover and How to Measure for a Dust Cover". You know how much I love videos!!!
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