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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Updated: Jun 19, 2021

Each week it is a struggle to figure out subject matter that will interest you, the BloomingDaisiesCrafts readers, so that you will continue to return week after week. The objective of the column is to hopefully spark interest in the BloomingDaisiesCrafts product line, drive your inner cross stitch creativity, give a few instances of the human interest story that is my immediate family, and an even rarer glimpse of the extended members. Picking and choosing the Blog content does not come naturally to me. It is only one, or more, business decision(s) that I need to make depending on content. As a list-loving person, I relish making the decision and checking it off. However, there continues to be decisions, decisions, decisions that need to be made. This week, we’re discussing the many decisions that I need or want to make.

  • New Product – In trying to keep the BloomingDaisiesCrafts product line fresh, new fabric has been purchased but has not been sewn and posted. Just this week, I made the decision to not buy any more material until the current inventory is represented on the website. Yay, me! Now to decide which new fabric will be first. My sister and I are leaning towards the trailer/camping new fabric. And I did it!!! Flip Flop Fun is for the beach scene; now it is time to show the love to the camping crowd with “Campground Roadie”. Grime Guards and WIP bags are in the sewing queue!

  • Nurses Caps – What started as a practical nursing school graduation gift for my BFF’s daughter became a subsidiary business for BloomingDaisiesCrafts. Once her new coworkers saw the quality product with fun fabrics, they requested my information and the orders started. Now that the caps are listed on the website and eBay, I hear from the veterinarian field as well. The most requested print is Minions (my personal favorite). I have (a) Warner Bros fabric or (b) Patriotic Doggy fabric. Question for you: which do I do

  • Needle Minders – After posting five new ones last week (check them out under “All” in the Needle Minders drop down), I want to stay the course and post new ones on a schedule. I like to keep things fresh! Next up is a gorgeous peacock. The picture doesn't do it justice either! Decision made!

  • New House – This fits in the business category as the choice needs to be made: Paint the new BloomingDaisiesCrafts home office or guest bedroom next? At this time, the office is winning this match up. I spend so much time in that space, working on quality product for a successful small business, it would be a reward. So look for the pictures of the progress as I start one or the other soon and post it on my blog for you all to see and enjoy!

I am not keeping summer hours. The alarm clock rings about the time a rooster would be crowing so I can get some sewing time in before working my part-time HVAC office job. Then the fun begins--working on BloomingDaisiesCrafts. What a gift an extra hour would be each day, but not like Day Light Savings Time! Midafternoon would ideal because by 8pm and I’m ready to go to bed. It is also important to me to squeeze in some cross stitch time, too. Just that little bit of pleasure can prevent burn out.

So there you have it! If you would like to weigh in on my decisions, please hit the “Let’s Chat” button! Talking with my customers is one of the benefits of my job!

Have a good week and I’ll let you know what decisions were made and new ones for next week!

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Catherine Ring
Catherine Ring

I recently asked if there is enough of the apricot rose material to do a set of scroll and q-snap grime guards. With all you have going on I thought I would touch base with you again. I agree with your decision to paint your office first and congrats on the new digs !!

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