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Looking for signs of fall!


It’s officially fall - even if the temperatures don’t reflect it! The “weather guessers” are predicting a “cool” front to move through the area this weekend. The cooler temperatures should be in the upper 80’s and I am sure the humidity will match. Sigh. Oh well, mind you I’m not complaining but just stating facts. As I have said in the past, fall is my favorite season, and while I do miss the drop in temperatures I still enjoy Halloween decorations, Thanksgiving plans and, then finally, Christmas.

Christmas is just three months away now. Each year I make Christmas ornaments for my grandbabies. Last year, I made clay snowmen with glittery faces and brightly colored hats in each child’s favorite color. For 2018, I chose colorful, clay Christmas lights-- again, in their favorite color. Well, you can see them in the picture. This year I want to include a shout out to 2020 and the Covid craziness. I am leaning towards the gingerbread men or women with that are featured in the lower right corner. I like to do different forms of ornaments so they don’t have all snowmen (my favorite) and in clay (easier for me). Hmmm, felt or clay…

As for my cross stitching, I’ve made progress on Tardis in the last couple of weeks. It is difficult to see in the pictures but I have been filling in areas around the middle of the project with white thread. Please look hard as I have been working hard. It is the light color thread on the light color fabric that makes progress appear to go so slowly. Although some stitchers don’t fill in the white thread on white fabric (or colored thread on fabric of the same color), it is important for a quality finished product. However, I do like (and need) to see a difference when I put down my needle so

this is an especially tiresome exercise for me! I feel like Dory - Just keep swimming (or stitching)!

I had hoped to post pictures of my finished and framed Coronavirus challenge projects this week. Unfortunately when I went to pick them up from the frame shop, I was sorely disappointed. One picture had no matte and the other was crooked. Noticeably crooked. Horribly crooked. The salesperson was embarrassed by the poor craftsmanship. I am giving them a chance to make it right. Stay tuned…

And now for BloomingDaisiesCrafts: Recently, I had a customer special order a Rainbow Paw QSnap Project bag. It turned out so cute, it is now a new and regular product on the website! Thanks to the creativity of BloomingDaisiesCrafts customers, fresh and fun combinations can become available for the entire customer base!

This week, I was able to:

  • Complete customer orders.

  • Post new needleminders. Check out the new Halloween and Christmas ones.

  • Continue to work on new product.

  • Begin freshening the homepage.

Thanks for stopping in and reading the blog! Let me know what you think of the Christmas ornament idea—felt or clay? I am leaning towards the no-bake Cinnamon Gingerbread ornaments (even though a felt ornament is pictured). Vote and let your voice be heard!

I hope you have a wonderful week and that you will stop in again next week!

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