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Needleminders, Grime Guards, I want them all!


I am a collector, not a hoarder. Yet.

When BloomingDaisiescrafts began, my daughter, Brittany, was in charge of the Needle Minder department. I remember talking with her about the need to keep the offerings at a manageable number and was a little worried as the amount increased. Then, when she began homeschooling her daughters and she needed to redirect her time, Brit gave over the Needle Minder part of the business to me. I was cautious before but now that I’m buying them, I’m real bad. Check out the Needle Minders and I am positive that you will agree…“Oh, this one is so cute!!” “Oh wait, this one is so funny!” I can find soooo many more and have added around 150 more to our catalog of Needle minders bringing the collection to almost 500 strong.

At this time, the BloomingDaisiesCrafts grime guard collection is at 80. I am working to increase those offerings to 100. I have some beautiful fabric patterns waiting to be added as my fabric stash is awesome! Some fabrics will be special projects because I don’t have enough cloth to do a full line of grime guards. (The going is slow, so check the website often as you don’t want to miss out!) The hard part about producing more finished grime guards is the storage. The BloomingDaisiesCrafts office/workroom is a 12x15 room and the warehouse is the closet. :)

As for my personal cross stitch collection, the number of projects has remained steady. Considering that the quantity didn’t change after the field trip to Golden Needle with my granddaughter, it is a proud moment for me. I didn’t get one extra future project for myself…I started her on a stash of projects but what else could this proud grandma do?! I’m including updated pictures of my current WIP’s! I'm not a fast stitcher, honestly, but they do get done. :) I’m trying to finish the bath time penguins to go into my guest bathroom. The Dr. Who Tardis is coming along nicely—not quickly, but nicely. My Christmas wreath project will be done by Christmas…maybe not 2020 but by “a” Christmas.

BloomingDaisiesCrafts has given me the opportunity to start a new collection: connections. I have made some new friends—many who started out as customers but quickly moved to the level of friend. I am the student as I watch the awesome work in progress for some master cross-stitchers (shout out to Cathy Ring!) And, I have an excuse to talk and text with my sister daily…We didn’t need an excuse but this legitimizes our daily contact! I would say my sister keeps me grounded but that isn’t what happens. I send her pictures and links and she’s “oohing” and “aahing” right along with me. It’s genetics, right? We have been practicing some self-control by placing some fabrics in the queue to mull over for a little while. But in the end, I just keep adding to my collections!

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