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You have probably heard the saying, ‘When life throws you a curveball, you can take a swing and hope for the best, or watch it go by and always wonder “what if.”’ I have heard another one that says, ‘Yell ‘Pivot!”’ Well, life has thrown me a curveball. Kind of a residual curveball. My employer, and BFF, needs me to come back on board. I yelled, “Pivot!” What can I say, she is my bestie! So, for the foreseeable future, I will be working full-time at my “part-time” job. I will still be working on Blooming Daisies Crafts but, obviously, not as much. “We” will be doing what “we” can, when “we” can.

Knowing that Blooming Daisies Crafts production time will be limited, I have been assembling new product whenever possible. But, do not worry! Priority will be given to customer orders. And, when you see what is next in the queue, that order may be yours! I am working on the Glow in the Dark Cat Q-Snap bags. I do like introducing new prints to the website. After Grandchild #4 helped arrange the fabrics, I am more than a little excited to get that fabric out of my “warehouse” and into your home.

Blooming Daisies Crafts has some new Needle Minders available as well. Family favorites include the spooky Pumpkin Spice Latte (my sister), the Razorback Jack-o-Lantern (Brittany), and the adorable Purple Elephant (mine). I will admit that I went looking for my Dory Needle Minder after seeing what I think was a tang swimming around our dock after the hurricane blew through here.

Do not forget that special orders are always welcome, I will be glad to pivot to your order! If you have looked and do not see what you want or have ideas—Needle Minders, Grime Guards, WIP Bags--press the “Let’s Chat” button located on the lower right part of the screen at the Blooming Daisies Crafts website. Blooming Daisies Crafts just had a request for 24” Sassy Dog Dust Cover. Production was begun almost as soon as the order was made. Working with a small business has it benefits. The person that you place your order with is the same person, me, that handles your product—from beginning to end!

Ah, mid-September! The kids are back in school. The weather is starting to cool down (for some of you). Both of those mean that it is now even more enjoyable for us to work on our cross-stitching. It is not too hot to hold the WIP on my lap and for some other crafters, their laps are a little less crowded! My latest WIP-the Happy Thanksgiving with two gobblers-is so close to the finish line; I am nearly done with the last turkey! Then I will start finishing the bottom border. This project has been so fun! And educational as it was my first successful attempt at using variegated floss. I cannot wait to give it to my daughter as a “thank you” for hosting Thanksgiving this year.

My niece, sister and I have had a group text that we discuss our ongoing or future projects for quite a while, but since my niece visited last month, it is on fire. Not one to miss the irony, my latest project is knitting (my niece’s passion) a sweater tank top and my niece is working on a cross-stitch (my craft of choice) Dungeons and Dragons pattern. My niece wanted to make some changes to the floss colors so she solicited our opinions. Being thorough, she included color swatches that she stitched to give the full experience. After a lot of back and forth, she made her decision, and completed the pattern. It turned out quite nice. You can see the final project in the attached picture that she also had to do

some frogging in the decision-making process! She is assembling a wall of different projects that reflect her and her interests! They certainly personalize her office area. Conversely, when working on a project, I pretty much stay with what is suggested. A lot of my works are kits with the floss included. I figure if I liked the pattern, especially a kit, enough to buy it, I stay with the suggested colors. My sister changes the colors to whatever she wants (her apple of a daughter did not fall far from the tree) or has on hand. The snowman stitched on plastic canvas that was featured last week is one example. She made it for our nephew that graduated from Kansas State University, hence the purple hues. She changed them with no issues but doing so sure made it even more personalized. My sister is used to mixing and matching colors. She has sewn some amazing quilt tops and, after purchasing a quilting machine, hopes to start quilting them. Obviously, pivoting between crafts is encouraged in our family!

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