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Welcome Spring!


Have you ever questioned why stores move product around? I have. Just when I get used to the layout, and maybe even the exact location of an item, the store moves EVERYTHING! Now I need to let you know that I have just stepped on my own toes.

While trying to keep BloomingDaisiesCrafts fresh for the return customer and attractive to the first time shopper, new stock is posted, seasonal merchandise is moved, banners are removed or added, new photos are taken to make the website cleaner and, as I have pointed out, descriptions are being updated for more consistency. And each time I talk with my sister, with her vague marketing background, she makes another suggestion that adds to my to-do list.

As many of you know, I am a list maker. Another fun fact about me is that I love office supplies. A trip to Office Depot was my husband and my first “unofficial” date. While some may not think of it as romantic, it spoke to one of my “love languages”! My BlomingDaisiesCrafts office is decked out with what I feel are the latest and greatest doodads that make my work fun. And just so you know, my sister and I share this love. She has gifted me with some of her finds thru the years!

  • Sticky notes-both lined and unlined, in all of the colors of the rainbow, in multiple sizes and shapes;

  • Pens--regular ink and gel, and, again, colors, colors, colors!! When I find a new favorite I have been known to buy more than one or six…

  • Paper clips--some normal ones but mostly, shaped and colored. I have one set that combines the properties of the standard paper clip with a cartoon favorite: Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, and Eeyore. This is one my sister gifted me with! (I am so lucky!) I have had them for years but have not used them because nothing is “worthy”!

But as I have digressed, take a look at BloomingDaisiesCrafts with fresh eyes. Changes have been made with you, the customer, in mind. Look for fresh spring/Easter product!

  • The green “Bunny Butt Patterned” Grime Guard is good all season long and the multiple flowered prints are available. One of my favorites is the colorful and whimsical “Winnie Flying a Kite” Grime Guard.

It has been a little over a year since I shared some basic cross stitch terminology on the BloomingDaisiesCrafts blog. It is mostly copied from last February but a few have been added!

Aida –most popular fabric used for cross stitch featuring threads that are woven evenly to form squares small squares. Brands include DMC, Zweigart and Charles Craft.

ANG - American Needlepoint Guild. Per their website, “ANG is an educational, non-profit organization whose purpose is educational and cultural development through participation in and encouragement of interest in the art of needlepoint. ANG defines needlepoint as any counted or free stitchery worked by hand with a threaded needle on a readily countable ground.”

Back Stitch –method of stitching to enhance a cross stitch piece, usually in a dark color. This really highlights the design and defines the pattern! I love this part. Sometimes I back stitch as I go and sometimes I wait.

Chart –cross stitch pattern to work from when stitching. These can be a single page or multiple pages depending on the complexity of the project.

Count – the number of holes per linear inch. Often you will hear “14 count,” meaning 14 holes (or squares) in one inch of the fabric. The most popular counts are 14, 16 and 18. The larger the number, the more detailed your piece will be.

Counted Cross Stitch – the fabric is plain (no guide printed on the fabric itself) and is normally Aida cloth. Stitchers use a printed or digital pattern to sew each stitch.

DMC – one of the most popular brands of thread (or floss) used for embroidery and cross stitch. It is available in hundreds of different colors and effects. Thread units are measured and sold in “skeins”.

EGA - Embroiders’ Guild of America Per the website: “The Embroiderers’ Guild of America (EGA) was formed for the express purpose of fostering the art of needlework and associated arts. EGA seeks to promote cooperation and the exchange of ideas among those who are engaged in needlework throughout the world by encouraging a high standard of design and technique in embroidery. EGA provides a center to be used as a bureau of education and information regarding the art of embroidery for all guild members. It is our purpose to conduct instruction and research in the art of needlework and to distribute related materials and publications to members and to the public.”

Floss – another word for six-strand thread used in needlecrafts (e.g. DMC floss)

Frog / Frogging –happens when a mistake has been made and stitches have to cut out and removed (aka as ripped out). These terms comes from the sounds frogs make-- “ribbit, ribbit” or “rip it, rip it!” No crafter likes frogging but everyone has frogged!!!

French Knot – a small knot used to define the small details in a pattern (examples include: an animal’s eye, seeds)

Grime Guard - Fabric accessory made to cover your frame and protect your project from greasy or dirty hands. Blooming Daisies Crafts has a wide variety to choose from!

HAED - Heaven and Earth Designs - These patterns are really detailed. I personally have not stitched one yet but have seen some finished ones that are gorgeous!

LNS – Local Needlecraft Shop - Golden Needle in Port Charlotte, FL is mine!

Loop Start – Instruction: Take one piece of floss twice as long as normal, fold it in half, thread the two ends through your cross stitch needle eye. This should make a long tail with a loop on the end. Bring your needle up from the back, as you would to make the first half of your cross stitch. Insert needle back through cloth and into the loop. This saves you from multiple “end stitching” starts or having to knot your floss.

Needle Minder – a small, decorative magnetic item affixed onto your Aida cloth which holds your needle safe and secure when not in use. Blooming Daisies Crafts has over 450 right now and adding more!

ORT – Old Raggedy Threads or Orphaned Random Threads

ORT Jar - Any jar or container for your Orphaned Random Threads. I use a canning jar with the metal screw on lid without the canning insert. This allows you to decorate it with your favorite Blooming Daisies Crafts Needle Minders!

ORT JAR Scissor Holder - Fits on your ORT jar to hold your scissors handy! I think these are Blooming Daisies Crafts exclusive!

Project Bag – A tote to carry and protect your precious cross stitch project when you are on the go. A customized bag reflects your unique personality and makes it easy to recognize. Blooming Daisies Crafts has many to choose from. Or contact us for more options.

Q-Snap – a type of frame used for cross stitching that snaps together around a frame to keep fabric taut and in place. These custom manufactured frames offer needle workers a sturdy but lightweight frame for counted cross stitch. It is an alternative to the ring frames.

Scroll Frame - a type of frame used for cross stitching that lets you scroll your project instead of moving the frame. It keeps your fabric taut and in place, too.

Variegated Floss - Regular floss that is similar to hombre yarn. I am no expert in using this thread but I do know that it is not friendly to the loop start.

WIP – Work In Progress

If I missed something you don’t understand, please let me know so I can add it to next year’s list and explain to my followers. If I don’t know, I’ll check with my sources.

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