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WIP Almost Done


I am too excited to not mention that I am close to completing my first cross stitch project, Dimensions (70-08948) Christmas Beach Chairs, for 2023! Being real, the field stitching is nearly done and then I will begin backstitching. As mentioned in the prior blog, sometimes, I back stitch as I go and, sometimes, I wait until the cross stitches are finished. Just from the pictures, you will immediately know which route I chose this time. It is my experience that the outlining moves along pretty quickly with great results. Inexplicably, I have noticed that with the finish line approaching, I am getting a second wind. I find I want to spend more time sewing on my WIP. I also find that I want to use the colors that will stand out the most in the progress picture that I send my sister almost daily. The white floss on white Aida does not show up as well as the brighter greens and reds and, because of that, I make sure to mark the white stitches out on the chart with bright pink highlighter. As you can see from the picture, it is only a matter of days and the cross stitching will be done and then I move on to the outlining. Most excitingly, I am almost ready to scratch 1/2 my 2023 goals for stitching off the list!!!

I am eager to move onto my next WIP. I have a few in mind including the 3 projects I already have on scroll rods. They would be easy to pick up. Would it be the Dimensions 8992 Holiday Harmony Christmas Wreath or am I tired of Christmas projects? Maybe I will pick back up on the Thanksgiving variegated floss project, but my mentor has moved to TX. If I am feeling daring and do not want to finish two projects this year, I can get out the Born to be Free by Cody Country

for my son and daughter-in-law to gift him at his retirement from the Army in a few years. It is that kind of project-very involved. I may have mentioned a time or dozen that autumn is my favorite season, so I may have a Halloween project that would work as well. It would have to be fairly quick for me to complete before December 31. At this time, I know I will finish the 11x17 Q-Snap Blooming Daisies Crafts logo for future Grime Guard promotional pictures but I do not know that I want to include it in the 2023 Goal List. As I said, at this time…

How do you decide your next WIP? Are you a disciplined person that only buys them as you finish each project or are you like the vast majority of us that stockpile them? If you hoard, I mean stockpile, kits, how do you store them: in the order you plan to do them or do you go through them when you are ready to begin your next project?

Blooming Daisies Crafts news! A quick review was done of the new fabrics for Grime Guards, WIP Bags, as well as Project Bags. It was surprising how many fabrics still needing to be posted to Blooming Daisies Crafts. Just as a reference, after purchase, the fabric is washed and dried; folded lengthwise, twice, making it just a half the width of a bolt of fabric; then it is rolled onto a piece of 7x11 cardboard. Once this process is completed, the mini bolts are then put into 14x21 plastic containers and stored on shelves in the office closet. Will it surprise you that there are 5 of these plastic containers with fabric that needs to be made into product? That does not include the bolts of fabric that I have not even washed and put on the cardboard yet. I took the time to separate the new fabrics from the product fabric. This gave me incentive to get busy.

And get busy, I did! This week has been quiet on orders so I have been able to devote my time to sewing new product! After consulting with my sister, we chose the Shark Week pattern for people that enjoy Shark week (July 11-18) including Grime Guards and (coming soon) Q-Snaps Bags. (Nurses Caps are also available through Ebay). Then I sewed up some new Christmas product for the Blooming Daisies Crafts Christmas in July Sale (save the date: July 21-28). The Christmas Snoopy Dog print is so cute and available now as Grime Guards and Q-Snap bags! Finally, as America is in the middle of its patriotic holiday fest (Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4, and Labor Day, just to name a few!) at least one more patriotic pattern was needed to celebrate! Be on the lookout for America’s (and my) favorite beagle—he is so cool! Snoopy with the American Flag will be made!

What I have learned through all of this is that I have my own fabric store/shopping destination at home to get through!

My sister and I are already discussing the 2023 Christmas ornaments. Our mother left us some unfinished quilt squares that she had handsewn when she was in her teens. They have no batting or backing, just the cloth squares. We are researching fabric ornaments that hopefully will show the work that she put into them as well as the nostalgia. Our plan is to make ornaments for each of our family members. We know we have enough material to make ornaments for two generations: the four siblings (her children) and their kids (her grands). Hopefully we can include the next generation as well. The search for the perfect ornament has just begun but we will make a label that includes the history of the fabric for everybody to know and have for years to come.

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