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Yes, the Dog Really Did Eat My “Homework”

I come from a dog friendly family. My parents had dogs even when dad served in the military, which would mean transporting at least one pet overseas. Growing up, I can remember having a cockapoo, a cocker spaniel/poodle mix or mutt, before designer dogs became a “thing”. Within days of Pumpkin passing when I was around 19, my friend was going into a store and people were giving puppies away. I was at work. My friend called my parents house and said she got one in case we wanted it. I came home from work to a puppy in the house. She was another mutt that was advertised as free to a good home. And we did offer a good home to those girls. Needless to say, my memories of growing up include having a dog in the house.

It also is worth mentioning that our family included four kids, with my sister and I sandwiched in the middle of our brothers. The age gap between the oldest and the youngest is nine years, six months, and one day. All totaled, my parents had a child in school for approximately 22 years straight from my older brother entering kindergarten to my younger brother graduating high school. Then there was a gap between my brother and my son. And, of course, the grandkids as well. I think you get the idea of how many years the family has had a student in school.

With all of that being said, I can never remember any one of us using the excuse, “My dog ate my homework.” That was until last week.

Late one evening, my sister sends over a picture of her shredded cross stitch instructions. Not totally destroyed—it was obvious that the perpetrator had been interrupted. Evidently, the youngest corgi, Sasha, has vendetta against paper. All kinds of paper: paper towel tubes, cardboard boxes, slips of paper that fall unnoticed to the floor. And, normally, her prey would be on the floor. It has been noted that Sasha views the world as three dimensional. She lays on the back of the couch, climbs chairs to get on tables (so far just the outdoor dining table), and basically jumps onto anything that she views as a platform. I guess it was only a matter of time before she “table surfed”. Left to her own devices, Sasha found the offending piece of paper on the end table beside the couch and sprung on it. Well, we think it was that way. The adults had gone to dinner. And, Sasha had her dessert.

My sister’s takeaway from this experience: just one more reason to purchase and USE a Blooming Daisies Crafts WIP/Q-Snap Bag or Dust Cover! Blooming Daisies Crafts has so many to choose from. Protect your precious WIP from your precious fur-babies. I have seen posts on various FB groups from cross stitchers looking to replace instructions for this very reason. Fortunately, my sister’s instructions were a photocopy with the original safely stored in the WIP Bag. Make sure to click on the Q-Snap/WIP Project Bags and/or Dust Covers/Protectors on the Blooming Daisies Crafts website. With so many cute ones to choose from, you cannot go wrong.

Last week Grandchild #4 visited my husband and I here in Florida. This is my Blooming Daisies Crafts grandchild that organized the Needle Minders last year. This year, she organized my fabrics! OMG - she did such a great job. Number 4 commented on the amount of lining fabrics that I have but I told her with the bolts organized, I will be able to use more prints to offer a wider range of merchandise now! I cannot tell you how much I appreciated her skills. She says her closet at home is organized by type of clothing and colorized. She is only 12 years old! My sister offered to have Number 4 come visit her in TX and organize her fabrics, too. Right now, #4 does not like to fly by herself or she would have.

Number Four’s 7-day visit was not all work and no play, though! She and I spent one afternoon shopping for fleece for her to make braided toys for the puppies at the animal shelter. With her small, nimble hands, she knocked out quite a few of them the next few days. I will take those that she finished to my local shelter and she can make more for her shelter as she took the rest of the fabric home with her. And, of course, she spent an inordinate amount of time on and in the water. My husband is always happy to get in the boat and onto the water. Sadly, we did not see any dolphins this week, but you would have thought #4 was a dolphin with the amount of time she spent in the pool. Rosy and Bella were on lifeguard duty until I put them in the house. Number 4 retrieved toys from the bottom of the pool and perfected her handstand. It was so relaxing to sit and watch the child swim.

Update on the recipe from last week - my sister put diced green chilis in her chicken part. And she rolled hers in Panko bread crumbs. We both will be making that recipe again!

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