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Stitching Buddies!

Sunday, February 20, 2022 is the annual “Love Your Pet Day”! In this house, it is every day but pinpointing a certain day of the year makes it easier to celebrate with other likeminded people. So let’s celebrate those furballs that make our lives so much better.

My husband and I have 2 sweet girls that lay in whatever room I happen to be occupying during the day. Well, sometimes one will wander off to find my husband. But, for the most part, I am never alone. This assures me that the love I give is equal to the love I get. They are also my “stitching buddies”.

Rosy and Bella are both rescues and are the best stitching buddies. They lie on the floor in the room with me when I am stitching. I am grateful that they do not try to get in my lap while I stitch. Rosy is just too big to be a lapdog but does like to interrupt me to get pets and give kisses. She excels at giving and receiving affection. Bella, another rather large dog, lies under the footrest of my recliner…all the time. I find that even when we are traveling and the girls are not with us, I will automatically say, “Move, Bella!”, before I put my footrest down. They shed like trees lose leaves in the fall but we love our girls with all our hearts. I feel no stitching project is complete without a few strands of pet hair entwined!

In the picture are Rosy and Bella. However, I also wanted to include some of our fur babies that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. My husband and I still miss each of them.

One pet in particular is Penny. Blooming Daisies Crafts began when Penny, the cat, was still alive. She, in normal cat fashion, would come into the office to supervise. You do not have to own a cat to know cats have that way of “supervising”. Penny was unrelenting until she was not. Some of her demands: “Pet me”; “Let me leave some fur” (her fur was like glitter--everywhere); and “Show me what do you have in here.” My husband is allergic to cats so we do not have another cat, at this time. We do not rule it out for the future but not right now.

Please post some pictures of your stitching buddies and maybe an anecdote or two in the comments. Animal photos and stories are good for the soul. My sister has 3 dogs and now a “grand” pup that visits quite often. I get a picture from her almost every day. My friend in Connecticut has Oreo - her kitty! She couldn't download a picture in my comments so sent me a picture - thank you, Kellie!!! And, I am sure you have already guessed that Oreo is black and white!

In honor of “Love Your Pet Day,” this week product emphasis is - I know this will surprise you - dogs and kitties! Blooming Daisies Crafts has an abundance of cuteness for the domesticated, small animal lover!

Dust Covers include

  • Sassy Dog– a neutral gray background with cute canines sporting various pairs of glasses;

  • Doggy Dust Cover- bright pink field with fun doggie doodles.

Grime guards and Q-Snap/Project bags-

Needle Minders - Oh my! So many to choose from!

Remember to find us on FB, IG or email us to post pictures of your stitching buddy. You know that those are the videos and pictures I love to look at!

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Oh, my Oreo! He loves to sit on any part of work area, especially if he has the opportunity to also sit on an unattended WIP, floss bobbins, and even scissors or a needle threader! Other times he prefers to be helpful and allows me to use his body to prop up paper charts!! This guy wants to be the center of my attention ALL the time! Once I figure out how to insert a picture, you’ll see why I let this kitty walk all over my stuff and my heart!

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